
*Please send all submissions to our email so that we can see the proper formatting*

Shoot us a direct email with the issue title (example: Issue V—FROM SCRATCH submission) as the subject line! For poetry or anything that is visual/has a format please send as a PDF so I can represent your work properly in the format you want!

Please have your last name in the title of your document so that it is easier to organize for us! and PLEASE include the full name you want to be credited under in the email.

All genres welcome. The more different the better!

We only take submissions for the current issue, please don’t send anything if we are not accepting submissions, but you can always reach out to us if you have a theme idea or any ideas on how to incorporate your voices. We are always happy to collaborate.



What we look for in submissions: poetry, prose, unfinished thoughts, music, photography, visual art, love letters, memories, reviews, interviews, short fiction, essay—anything you can think of that you would like to put into the world!

Please be respectful. If we think your piece fits the genre and works well with the other submissions then we will try our best to fit it in!

Poetry: up to three poems per submission (does not mean all three will be accepted, if they are meant to stay as a trio PLEASE state that).

Short Fiction: up to two pieces depending on length per submission, max. 1000 words each.

Essay/Creative Nonfiction/Interview: one per submission, max. 2000 words.

Critiques or Reviews: one per submission, max. 1200 words.

Misc: if you are sending a genre that isn’t listed above then there are no guidelines! We can work it out as we go :)

Multiple: feel free to send different genres together

That being said, we are lenient about word count! We just want to make sure there is space for everyone’s piece. You can always reach out to us with questions.